
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Adam and Eve Eat the Figs and Fear God

Adam and Eve Eat the Figs

1 Then Adam returned to Eve, and said to her, "Get up, and take a fig for yourself, and I will take another; and let us go to our cave."
2 Then Adam and Eve took each a fig and went towards the cave; the time was about the setting of the sun; and their thoughts made them long to eat of the fruit.
3 But Adam said to Eve, "I am afraid to eat of this fig. I know not what may come over me from it."
4 So Adam cried, and stood praying before God, saying, "Satisfy my hunger, without my having to eat this fig; for after I have eaten it, what will it profit me? And what shall I desire and ask of you, O God, when it is gone?"
5 And he said again, "I am afraid to eat of it; for I know not what will befall me through it."

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