
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Adam and Eve: A recollection of the glorious days in the Garden

Chapter XI - A recollection of the glorious days in the Garden.

1 Then Adam and Eve felt themselves burning with thirst, and heat, and sorrow.
2 And Adam said to Eve, "We shall not drink of this water, even if we were to die. O Eve, when this water comes into our inner parts, it will increase our punishments and that of our descendants."
3 Both Adam and Eve then went away from the water, and drank none of it at all; but came and entered the Cave of Treasures.
4 But when in it Adam could not see Eve; he only heard the noise she made. Neither could she see Adam, but heard the noise he made.
5 Then Adam cried, in deep affliction, and beat his chest; and he got up and said to Eve, "Where are you?"
6 And she said to him, "Look, I am standing in this darkness."
7 He then said to her, "Remember the bright nature in which we lived, when we lived in the garden!
8 O Eve! Remember the glory that rested on us in the garden. O Eve! Remember the trees that overshadowed us in the garden while we moved among them.
9 O Eve! Remember that while we were in the garden, we knew neither night nor day. Think of the Tree of Life, from below which flowed the water, and that shed lustre over us! Remember, O Eve, the garden land, and the brightness thereof!
10 Think, oh think of that garden in which was no darkness, while we lived in it.
11 Whereas no sooner did we come into this Cave of Treasures than darkness surrounded us all around; until we can no longer see each other; and all the pleasure of this life has come to an end."

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